• 15 September 2018, Saturday
  • Moscow, Vintage 77 Большая Никитская 60 стр 1

Ladies of Burlesque - 15.09 - english version

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2189 дней назад
15 September 2018 c 19:00 до 23:00
Vintage 77 Большая Никитская 60 стр 1

Ladies of Burlesque — is a classic burlesque show in Moscow, Russia, inspired by the Golden Era of cabaret. Burlesque is a playful theatrical genre born in the US in the late 19th century. It is inspired by the beauty of the human sexuality and is full of extravagance, glamour and glitter. (18+)

As in the Jazz Age, Ladies of Burlesque combines everything that makes burlesque and cabaret truly special: the glitter, the glamour, the boldness of classic burlesque acts together with live jazz music, an authentic jazz chorus line, a charming hostess and, most importantly, tight connection with the audience.

The show runs for 2 hours with a short break
Doors 19:00, show starts at 20:00

Guests are offered several seating options: a table for two or for four.
The price of a ticket depends on how close you want to be to the stage.


Read more: http://en.ladiesofburlesque.com/


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